
An acquired taste?

A week or two before leaving Rochester, I saw this bumper sticker and it cracked me up. We definitely acquired a taste for Rochester during the nearly 5 years we lived there--we especially miss the terrific friends we made.

I certainly never expected to acquire a taste for one thing--Rochester's famous dish, the garbage plate. For the uninitiated, this involves 2 hamburgers (or hot dogs) covered with home fries and macaroni salad and smothered in hot sauce & onions. We heard garbage plate lore from our first days in Rochester, and we decided we couldn't leave town without sampling one for ourselves. Just before moving, we ate lunch at the home of the original garbage plate, Nick Tahou's. What a surprise to discover that we actually enjoyed them! It was like our own Green Eggs & Ham moment. Too bad we waited until our last week in town to try them out!

Here is the evidence of our bravery:

Rochesterians, please eat a garbage plate and think of us!


Julie Robinson said...

what's up? Are you guys in wisconsin now??

Laura said...

Glad you liked it, but I gotta tell you, it doesn't look that appealing on the plate. Just sayin'.... Love how Natalie is enjoying her "garbage" while smiling for the camera.

Amy said...

We've never had a garbage plate either. We will have to be brave and try it.

Julie said...

Yep, Julie, we're in Wisconsin now! I hope my out-of-order posts aren't too confusing. I have a bunch of fun pics to post from our trip, and they are coming soon!

Laura, let me just say that looks can be deceiving. But I understand your sentimets--we too were not expecting much.

Amy, it might be best to go into your garbage plate experience not expecting much ;) But definitely do it, and let us know what you think!