
Back in Action

We're slowly but surely adjusting to life as a family of four. This past Sunday we went to church for the first time since David's birth. It turned out that the heat wasn't working in the chapel, and it was a cold, cold day, so our bishop cancelled all the meetings after the first hour (for those not familiar with LDS services, church is typically 3 hours long). It was kind of a nice way to ease back into the going-to-church routine. For everyone except Natalie. After sitting in Sacrament Meeting for an hour, she was more than ready to go to Nursery for the next 2 hours, and she flatly refused to leave the building. Dave carried her to the car, and she cried the whole way. Here's a post-church photo op, with David crying in his cute first day of church outfit, Natalie with her tears all dried (happy to be holding her beloved Sally, no doubt), and me already in my post-church comfy clothes.

Along with attending church again, we've resumed some other activities that for the past month or so were not happening much, if at all. Like hairbrushing! OK, hair-doing. Natalie's hair has been brushed every day (almost), and sometimes I would put in a quick hairband, but when the hairband invariably came out a few minutes later, there was no redo. But now we've jumped into pigtail territory, and there's no looking back! My mom put Natalie's hair in pigtails while she was here helping us, and my goal is to one day do pigtails for Natalie that are ALMOST as perfectly formed as the ones my mom would create.

Grandma's Pigtails

Mommy's Pigtails

We've ventured out several times for walks, hikes, and bus rides, and most trips have gone really smoothly. David tends to sleep in the Baby Bjorn, which works well for us. Here's a photo of him after our trip out to State Street on Friday evening. It was cold, so we bundled him in his reindeer sleeper, and the poor guy was so bundled that he reminded us of Ralphie's little brother Randy in A Christmas Story--you know, when the mom says to him, "You can put your arms down when you get to school!"

David, snoozing after a ride in the Bjorn

Here's Randy. See, David, it could have been worse!


Sean Rigby said...

Julie, I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing well and adjusting to two kids. Two felt more than twice as hard to me! Natalie's pigtails are adorable!

Amy said...

David looks like such a cutie. Natalie's hair is adorable. Doing little girls' hair is hard. I keep practicing too. State Street in Madison. You're killing me:) Glad you are enjoying your surroundings.

Mary said...

Julie & Dave,
Your little family of four is adorable! Glad to see you are all doing well!

Laura said...

Natalie has the perfect hair for high, cute ponytails. Her curls just form perfectly! And David's first day of church outfit - adorable! By the way, maybe he's gaining weight really fast in an effort to outgrown the reindeer get-up. Just a thought. "David, you can put your arms down after you out grow the reindeer outfit."

Charity said...

What a cute little family. David is adorable. The adjusting to post-baby thing takes awhile! (I still think going out with two kids is tough-but I'm just a whimp)Glad to hear things are going well!

Jessie Oliveros said...

I love Christmas Story. Johnny calls it the shoot your eye out movie. So is the first pigtail photo you as a little girl? If so, you and your daughter must be clones.