

Dave took a great sleeping photo of Natalie...

and it reminded me of a photo of her wrapped up in the same blanket when she was just 2 months old.

How time flies. In some ways, it's hard to believe this is the same person! What a difference 18 months makes.


Amy said...

I love sleeping children. She is still a real cutie.

Lani said...

How sweet! Ketchup has tomoatos, so it counts as a vegetable, right?

Laura said...

Same lovey blanket in both pics, right? What a little angel.

Kara said...

She's gotten to be such a big girl!

Anonymous said...

Aw, so cute! I just want to squeeze her and sniff her lil head! Maybe you could do that for me and tell her it's from ET Ann :)

Heather Jewell said...

So sweet! She is so cute. I am so glad you found my blog; I didn't know you were a blogger too.