
More? You want Moooorrrrre?

Hooray for sign language! Natalie has mastered one sign--More! She uses it mostly to ask for food, but has been known to also request more books with it as well. In DiBella's the other day, she tried to convince me to give her more of a sub that was sitting on someone else's table! So for Natalie, the more sign basically means "I want that!"(Napoleon Dynamite, anyone?)

In the photo, Dave's holding a juice box and Natalie is repeatedly signing more. This was her first experience with a juice box and she was thrilled with it. Usually Natalie's juice is diluted with water, and I think she finds anything with a straw extra exciting.

Dave was giving her bites of his homemade egg mcmuffin the other morning and immediately after each bite she would start signing more. Natalie knows that sometimes we're slow to respond, or to see the silent signs, so she wasn't wasting any time. Anyone know the signs for chew and swallow?

I was hoping she'd start to do some other signs, and perhaps she will get into these eventually. She'll occasionally do all done. It's just not as high up on her toddler chain-of-command as the all-important MORE! This has been such a great breakthrough on both sides of the highchair tray--we know what she wants (or at least that she wants something) and she knows how to tell us.


Elisa said...

That is so funny. Addison has also matered it as well, and for a while she just used it as I want. Now she;ll sign more and either point to her mouth or whatever she wants more of. I love it when Babies sign!

Laura said...

"More" of a stranger's meal! I love it. We are so excited about your blog and can't wait to see more!

Amy said...

So happy to see your blog. Jack still uses his signs even though he can say the words. He uses signs to emphasize that he really wants what he is saying.