
My Yard's Most Abundant Perennial

Dandelions. They are taking over our lawn! Yesterday I pulled the heads off hundreds of dandelions (which is pretty amazing when you consider that the lawn in our backyard is about the size of a postage stamp). I figure if I pull all the heads off the dandelions as they bloom, at least they won't spread new seeds. And when I get a chance, I use a little spade to uproot a few of them. It gets a good portion of the root, and it makes me feel like I'm doing something to turn the tide. Anyone have a tip for getting rid of dandelions without killing the lawn too?


Julie Robinson said...

Cole says to use a broad leaf killer spray that you can hook onto your hose! But, you know, dandilions are 'pretty flowers' to kids!

Amy said...

I just use my little dandelion tool and take them out of our yard. I actually enjoy it to some point. However, when your neighbors don't do it too, they just keep growing back.

Heather said...

My dad just put Weed and Feed on my dandylions! Ya got to love Dads! They are all dying and it fertilizes your lawn too. I think i might have some left. . .

A.Pandina said...

Aren't they awful? My in-laws try to get me to pick the leaves and make them for dinner-YUCK!!! Nick just put down some weed killer, now we have to make sure Mia doesn't eat the grass.